The Yellow Brick Road: Path of America’s Predictably Counterproductive Pursuits

God can’t make square circles

— Pastor Derwin Gray, Forest Hill Church 2002

It’s not a theological question — it’s just about being logical (as even the Almighty can’t make something it is not). But thanks to the internet and the cable clans paving the way for the onslaught of the utterly absurd — you can shapeshift anything or anyone into what you want to see:

Even making saints out of people with a patently obvious history of hypocrisy & lies.

And since everything’s poisoned by perception and hypocrisy now — denying the undeniable gets easier by the day. America’s in perennial pursuit of ideologies — warfare waged with galactic levels of baggage & bullshit bolstered by . . .

opinions lightly adopted but firmly held . . . forged from a combination of ignorance, dishonesty, and fashion

—  Theodore Dalrymple, Life at the Bottom

Welcome to

The rules have changed . . .

As in — there are none. By failing to recognize that, you cannot adapt to deal with it. Everyone is trying to plow through problems when you should be going around them (think asymmetrical warfare). Conventional means have no chance of breaching the envelope of intransigence around armies of unreachables in the trench warfare of our times.

Just how many times do your predictably doomed efforts have to fail before you figure out what I’ve been telling you for 10 years?

Like many alternatives, however, it was psychologically impossible. Character is fate, as the Greeks believed. Germans were schooled in winning objectives by force, unschooled in adjustment. They could not bring themselves to forgo aggrandizement even at the risk of defeat.

— Barbara Tuchman

Unschooled in Adjustment

Your documentary was ahead of its time

I may be a nobody, but this nobody was way ahead of everybody. If I came across this and hadn’t done my homework, on the title alone — my first thought would be, “I must be missing something pretty big.”

you have other ideas:

Button your lip and don’t let the shield slip
Take a fresh grip on your bulletproof mask
And if they try to break down your disguise with their questions
You can hide hide hide behind Paranoid Eyes

Back then it was about going up against institutions and all of America. Now? It’s about getting to one man: A professional know-it-all who fabricated a fantasyland of “following the facts where they lead.” The cult-like following of this fraud is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. As I’ve been in the trenches battling hermetically sealed minds for decades, that’s saying something. His disciples see him as some kind of saint-like Sherlock Holmes:

Never mind his history being wildly out of sync with his sanctimonious claims.

On top of flagrantly ignoring irrefutable evidence of mathematical certainty (of world-altering consequence, no less) — he has a habit of toeing the party line: All of which flies in the face of the principles upon which he’s put on a pedestal. Anyone who challenges their National Treasure will be met with values they share with venom. 

And that — is an opportunity!

Not just to analyze irrational behavior and write about it — but to actually do something about it.

Long before brain imaging to understand how emotion runs roughshod over reason — we already had all the tools we needed for a more hopeful humanity. We didn’t take advantage of the gifts were were given, and lo and behold — we don’t make good use of those fancy new insights either.

How do we make people realize they’ve been lied to? You have to knock down one small pillar that’s easier to reach.

The people who Tweeted those lines I combined from a conversation I came across — had no idea that they perfectly captured the principle of my Clear the Clutter plan. It’s time to start solving problems instead of endlessly talking about them and getting nowhere. To do that — first we gotta clear the clutter that’s crippled this country. And to do that, you don’t go after everything, you go after one thing that ties to everything — and you do it by holding one man to his own standards.

I’ve got the perfect pillar

On the biggest & most costly lie in modern history (which shaped everything you see today).

Take those same traditional tools that have repeatedly failed and integrate them into an unconventional framework for honest debate — and now you’ve got something. All ya gotta do — is do what you say you do. And my idea is a framework for debate that boxes you in to do exactly that. You won’t like it — but here’s the deal: Your opposition won’t either.

And who knows, you might learn to love embracing challenge, changing your mind, and the fruits from demanding across-the-board accountability.

This — is not that

This — is Broadcasting Beliefs About That

Believing things that have no bearing on reality has become a plague across America — erosion of reason that took decades of denying the undeniable. Systematic oversimplification has taken over to the point where inconvenient correlations are condemned as convoluted. And any attempt to have a conversation on issues that clearly call for careful consideration — is hijacked by baseless beliefs beaten into your brain as bedrock fact.

I play an aggressive game. I don’t flop. I’ve never been one of those guys

— LeBron James

His words are pure fantasy:

But it doesn’t matter, because that’s the country we’ve become — where words are empty and you can feign offense to avoid having to answer for anything.

As I said in my doc:

It’s astounding how the mind can pull off psychological gymnastics that allow us to believe what we say without any sense of accounting for it.

— Richard W. Memmer: Act V

There was a time when it would be embarrassing for a ball player to feign being fouled on the level of theatrics in King James’ court. You’d be laughed off the court for pulling stunts like that in my day. It’s all the more absurd when you consider that even with the hardest-hitting fouls back in the 80s — nobody flailed about like that on impact.

Never mind Lebron’s built like a Tiger tank.

Tiger Tanks Could Withstand a Dozen Sherman[s]

The only way that so many levels of sham and stupidity could be so easily accepted — is that it was normalized little by little over time.

Ain’t that America

It’s pure fantasy to think that you can ignore key dimensions of a problem and magically solve it. The problems that plague America are interrelated, and anything short of addressing that is going nowhere. But everyone’s wrapped up in their wheelhouse — operating under umbrellas of interests that don’t account for complexities outside of them.

You know what they say: Fail, fail again, fail better, succeed

They say other things too – like “work smarter, not harder.” By all means, keep trying — but examine the efficacy of your efforts and adjust accordingly. Just picking the “root cause” that works for you doesn’t cut it.

You’ve gotta look at interconnected causes across-the-board.


In my youth, I could not have imagined a world in which even people with PhDs would act like imbeciles in the face of information they don’t instantly understand. That an entire country could take satisfaction in insulting your own intelligence on a daily basis just astounds me.

Adulthood is about spending the time to think before talking . . . Adulthood is about controlling our emotions, learning to take a deep breath and modulating our moments of anger or frustration. 

And it confounds me to no end that some of the most brilliant minds in the world seem incapable of correlating how “unrelated” issues impact one another. The most harmful pollution on the planet is noise — narrative that drowns out sensible discussion. You could blame those who amplify that deafening noise with delight — or be smart by not doing dumb things that drive the narrative in the first place.

Pursuing aims in ways that predictably damage your cause is bad enough. But once the outcome becomes clear, it’s beyond belief that you refuse to reflect on your methods. Even if you’re right and have the best of intentions:

If you’re not smart in making your moves, you can exponentially worsen the problem you’re addressing — along with seemingly unrelated ones.

And already have — again and again:

To see the character of the government and the country so sported with, exposed to so indelible a blot, puts my heart to the torture. . . . Or what is it that thus torments me at a circumstance so calmly viewed by almost everybody else? Am I a fool, a romantic Quixote, or is there a constitutional defect in the American mind?

Were it not for yourself and a few others, I . . . would say . . . there is something in our climate which belittles every animal, human or brute. . . . I disclose to you without reserve the state of my mind. It is discontented and gloomy in the extreme.

I consider the cause of good government as having been put to an issue and the verdict against it.

We have what I call

Vanguard for Victories in Vocabulary

Tough love used to be timeless. Now everything’s an assault on increasingly fragile egos. And so typical of the times — nothing has meaning anymore (which was predictable when you water everything down to the point where its original intent is conveniently forgotten).

The people who consider themselves to be the saviors of black people — are hurting black people, because what they’re committed to is more virtue signaling than actually doing something in the world.

— John McWhorter

“Enslaved People”

It’s not the change in terms that bothers me so much:

It’s the complete absence of intellectually honest discussion by people preoccupied with victories in vocabulary.

When I am making my edits, “John’s slave” becomes “a person enslaved by John.” “John owned Sally” becomes “John enslaved Sally.” . . .

Good grief!

Even if there is a distinction deserving of discussion: What you miserably fail to understand is that the net effect of your efforts is what counts, not your well-meaning intent.

If you do far more harm than good — what’s the point?

True folly, Tuchman found, is generally recognized as counterproductive in its own time, and not merely in hindsight. In Tuchman’s template, true folly only ensues when a clear alternative path of action was available and ruled out.

I don’t see what the problem is

— Typical Tweeter tapping earth-shattering insight

You don’t see — a lot!

Your track record is not what I would call astute — and the Right doesn’t have anything to write home about either. I fail to understand how you think we can solve anything in a country that can’t even get the self-evident straight:

Tuchman alighted on a root cause of folly that she called “wooden-headedness” — defined in part as “assessing a situation in terms of preconceived fixed notions while ignoring or rejecting contrary information.”

She also saw wooden-headedness as a certain proclivity for “acting according to wish while not allowing oneself to be deflected by facts.”

We’re well beyond “disagreement” in America — this is madness (countless millions miserably failing to follow even the most fundamental methods of how understanding works). The second you shun evidence that doesn’t fit the narrative you want — you have contaminated your judgment.

Pay no mind to how many times we go backwards by the means in which you move forward.

In a culture increasingly comfortable with ease, wrong is increasingly rationalized in the name of right. If only you could see the astronomical waste of time, energy, and money on matters that make you think you’re making progress.

Never mind the damage you do along the way (even to those interests you so desperately defend).

Look around!

I love moments of truth that put my principles to the test. One of my favorites is the Florida election fiasco of 2000. I just wanted the right thing to be done — whether it served my interests or not was irrelevant.

That sense of fairness is so foreign I might as well be speaking another language.

I changed my mind about Bill Clinton’s impeachment. The me of today would have supported it and his removal from office for lying under oath alone. I wouldn’t care what it was about. I was the same way about principle back then as I am now — it’s just that I couldn’t see clearly through the underhanded motives of those trying to bring him down.

The me of today would cut right through that crap — while all you do is create more crap:

[T]here could be no country that makes less use of the accumulated experience of those who have served it – none that is more frivolously neglectful and improvident of these assets – than the United States of America.

— George F. Kennan, Around the Cragged Hill

The older & wiser version of me would weigh the president’s actions purely on the merits of doing the right thing — regardless of any wrongdoing done to him. He put his reputation over the good of the nation (not to mention breaking the law). There’s no in way in hell I’d let that slide today. Commitment to my principles has only deepened over time. You could say the same about yourself, but would your record square with that claim (as that has not been my experience).

And that experience is immense!

You think I just come up these titles & imagery out of thin air?

V for Victory — How Fitting . . .

A world where you can win an argument without even knowing what the issue is about. How people behave in denying the undeniable daily would be unthinkable for me to do ever.

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

— Attributed to Mark Twain

Imagine America as an engine and you come along with a cross-section of it to explain why it’s not working. Since your audience shares your concerns, you’d think they’d be interested in understanding the internals of the problem. But they spend all their time talking about parts made by people they don’t like — never considering the defects in their own parts.

And even though you’ve got a rock-solid idea for how to fix the engine (or at least make it run on reason): They’d rather spend the rest of their lives complaining about problems than take responsibility for their part in creating them. The image above is for my 15-part series on factions acting as force fields of fallacy for the Left & Right: Shielding you from the whole truth while you’re pursuing part of it believing you’re after all of it.

Then again . . .

Do people you put on a pedestal really wanna solve problems anyway? Do you?

Man is at least as much a problem-creating as a problem-solving animal. Better a crisis than the permanent boredom of meaninglessness.

—  Theodore Dalrymple, Life at the Bottom

And on that note:

Dukes of Hazard

Instead of asking or addressing the roots of violent racism in the South in 2015 — far too difficult, far too intimidating — we focus on symbols. If we take a flag down, if we remove a TV show from the schedules, it shows we are doing something.

It shows our hearts are in the right places.

Renaming teams and pancake products, kneeling, knocking down monuments, wiping Indians off boxes of butter, banning Dukes of Hazzard, and Microsoft’s Inclusiveness Checker to program you proper:

Enough already!

These are not serious-minded measures for problem solving.

Elaine’s exasperation x 10 =

How impossibly stupid it is that they banned The Dukes of Hazzard

But the high five is just so stupid!

True folly, Tuchman found, is generally recognized as counterproductive in its own time, and not merely in hindsight. In Tuchman’s template, true folly only ensues when a clear alternative path of action was available and ruled out.

Marching to Black Lives Matter with the first black president sitting in the White House — was that a smart move? The answer should be abundantly clear and yet the question is not even considered. I’ve been blocked on Twitter for just politely suggesting that BLM is a counterproductive cause.

Instead of considering how you could fight for justice more intelligently — you act like I’m saying you shouldn’t fight for it at all.

Was that smart move?

Instantly firing back with boilerplate beliefs is not an indicator of understanding the premise of that question (or even caring to). Such inquiry requires reflection and the willingness to examine the efficacy of your efforts: And what role you play in harming your own interests by the manner in which you pursue them.

But you know best:

The March of Folly Mentality Always Does

I ask a different question . . .

I do that a lot! There’s nothing earth-shattering about my impeccable track record for the truth and seeing the lay of the land: I just see things as they are, not as I imagine them to be. And it doesn’t make one damn bit of difference what I think of the source.

For instance . . .

Geraldine Ferraro and Rush are in opposite camps, and yet she said essentially the same thing as he did:

If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.

Every word of her statement is true — and no rational person would argue otherwise. But the obvious didn’t matter to those who bombarded her with “vicious e-mail messages accusing her of racism.”

Utterly Ridiculous

And I say that as someone who voted for Obama in 2008. I gave Romney a shot in the second round. I just have this old-fashioned idea about not rewarding people who are dishonest and don’t do a good job.

This nation has no such notion.

That Rush did more damage to America than maybe anyone in history — does not change the truth when he told it. He also wrote some good books for kids — and big kids like me.

My mind is not for sale

So I can see what’s what — no matter what I think of the source.

“Wut?” — reflects a society tuning in to people who perpetuate problems under the pretense of seeking to solve them. Some are sincere (or at least started out that way). But they all lose their way in the adulation and rewards from feeding the frenzy. I coined Star Wars Syndrome to capture the plague of allowing nostalgia to create the illusion that a movie is far better than it actually is. In and of itself, wildly exaggerating the quality of movies is harmless.

But when it becomes habit in how you see everything: Either gushing with over-the-top praise or seething with over-the-top scorn:

That’s a plague!

Echo chambers across social media worship channel hosts as “National Treasures” — treating them like they’re some of the greatest minds to ever live. At the helm of these cesspools of certitude — are people who peddle repeatedly rehashed insight their followers praise like they split the atom. To be sure, some of it is insightful. But these “geniuses” are so full of wisdom that they’re oblivious to how they’re feeding the very problems they’re ostensibly trying to solve.

Isaac Newton and Einstein were brilliant — partisan hacks and high-minded influencers telling you what you wanna hear every goddamn day, are not.

The costliest “entitlement” of our times is the infinite faith people place in their opinions: Insisting on “affirmation independent of all findings” (borrowing from Peck who borrowed from Buber). I don’t roll that way. I have no desire to believe I’m right about anything in which I am not.

Acknowledging error is liberating and leads to enlightenment. And I would know . . . many times over:

From a lifetime of practice, “Why, thank you! I had no idea!” is protocol for me. I love to be corrected — even if it stings a bit at first. I’d rather feel foolish for 5 minutes than be a fool for a lifetime. I find changing my mind to be magical — that you can think one thing, take new information into account, and think another.

It’s fantastic!

I happily belong to an infinitesimal minority that feels we’re not informed enough to have all the answers to every controversial issue in America. We don’t have a monopoly on virtue — and don’t want one. We’re not only willing to change our minds, we welcome it and appreciate those who correct us.

I don’t know how people find the path of least resistance so satisfying — as I love the demands of difficulty and discernment. To not step up my game in the midst of opportunity or challenge: Would be tantamount to treason upon my very existence.

After all your posturing in pursuit of principles & policies: Honor is nowhere to be found when going for gold in the Gutter Games of Government.

I come from a different place. A different time. A different way of life.

Towering waves
Will crash across your southern capes
Massive storms
Will reach your eastern shores
Fields of green
Will tumble through your summer days
By design
In your time

Feel the wind
And set yourself the bolder course
Keep your heart
As open as a shrine
You’ll sail the perfect line . . .

Putting aside Bill Cosby’s fall from grace . . .

He was a universal icon of goodness growing up. In just this 5-second scene from Picture Pages — a parallel can be drawn to everything I advocate:

The.Deal.Is.That.We.Connect.These.Dots . . .

You see

There are powerful forces that make damn sure you don’t — and it shows!

Then we have

Facts Over Feelings Parade

Who use the ludicrous ways of woke and racially rigged incidents:

As fuel to forever burn their bonfire of bitching about the behavior of others while unconscionably ignoring the debauchery of their own. Gutless in the face of facts they don’t like — disguised by their goose-stepping glory in the Facts Over Feelings Parade.

The second you’re questioned — those precious virtues you peddle in your parade: Are rolled right over with your feelings . . .

It would be unthinkable for me to refuse to look at someone’s work — and fire back with your “Where’s your facts?” refrain of an automaton because they don’t instantaneously appear.

Let’s get real . . .

That’s a stunt (like smugly slinging “I’ll wait”) — not a genuine inquiry in the interest of truth. And the only thing you’re “waiting” for is fodder to fuel your next fix. If you operated anywhere in the same galaxy of “facts over feelings” — the mountain of material I’ve written over decades wouldn’t exist.

I have to spoon-feed you like a child while you spit it and cry about being hungry.

My documentary below takes both parties to task on the biggest & most costly lie in modern history (which shaped everything you see today). For 20 years, I’ve been practically spit on for telling undeniable truth of mathematical certainty (of world-altering consequence, no less). You’ve made it impossible to even have that conversation. But you have all the time in the world to repeatedly rehash the same conversations:

Heaping high praise upon purveyors of virtue — virtues that vanish the second you’re called to put them to the test.

Isaac Newton and Einstein were brilliant — partisan hacks and high-minded influencers telling you what you wanna hear every goddamn day, are not. And your beloved “geniuses” are so full of wisdom that they’re oblivious to how they’re feeding the very problems they’re ostensibly trying to solve.

Not to mention they can’t even correlate how this connects to that:

Debunking the WMD delusion & Trayvon tale is a conduit for showing how this nation systematically derails debate. Everybody believed Iraq had WMD” is not a valid argument any more than “armed only with Skittles.” By the way — how many of you know what Trayvon actually looked like?

It’s not the kid on People magazine I assure you.

I’m not interested in defending Zimmerman — my aim is to expose the irrational behavior of blindly defending Martin and the damage you did by doing so.

Wooden-headedness, said Tuchman, was finally — “the refusal to benefit from experience.”

— Russ Hoyle, Going to War

The Refusal to Benefit from Experience

Shallow thinkers do not think beyond the immediate and the observable. They usually take information at face value and only look at immediate consequences. They are not capable of looking at all sides of an issue or think deeply about the issue before making decisions or drawing conclusions . . .

They also believe that their opinion is based on deep thinking because they genuinely believe that their opinion is based on truth and facts. Whereas, deep thinkers look at the whole sequence of events and the consequences.

When we dig deeper, we understand better. We can compare different outcomes, examine, tear apart, and make cognizant judgments that are derived from different mental models.

Left and Right, I’ve yet to find a single person who digs beyond the depth of their immediate domain of interest. In our entirely transactional times, America endlessly rehashes topics of today — never once considering the totality of events that created them (or even having a notion of the need to).

With the issues I address — you might as well be saying the Civil War wasn’t germane to the assassination of Lincoln.

And by the way . . .

There is no measure for how preposterous it is that people who can’t even connect the dots on This Does Not = That: Have the bottomless gall to belittle me on making correlations in three dimensions while you wallow in one.

We should be above whatever the fad or the fashion is of any given day. We should be looking at the deep questions. We should be analytical. We should be emphasizing reason.

— Glenn Loury

Only for problems that are popular and easy to perceive? Whatever’s in your wheelhouse? Is that as deep as your questions go, Glenn? I dig a great deal deeper. For someone who once called my writing “brilliant” and was “blown away” by this site and signed up — you should know that.

But you’re busy. You’re all busy!

Someone who looks like he’s telling a larger story. If I came into this cold, I’d instantly know that — just as I’d already get the connection to the imagery above (as it was pointed out moments ago):

Debunking the WMD delusion & Trayvon tale is a conduit for showing how this nation systematically derails debate.

“And then some” . . .

That connection goes much deeper than that — as it’s central to the whole story (and how I came up with the idea in the first place). 3 minutes and 33 seconds into the Prologue — the parallel in the Profile Principle is revealed (an exemplary example of applying the same rules to both sides). On that issue of world-altering consequence, half the country took the word of professional know-it-alls over nuclear scientists. And therein lies the doc’s premise about expertise.

But rather spend even a few minutes digesting what someone’s saying, you gotta get back to broadcasting beliefs you just abandoned.

3 minutes and 33 seconds:

Ahhh . . .now I see where he’s going with this


The rotor speed required to separate uranium isotopes doesn’t care who’s president, and when it comes to ascertaining the truth, neither do I. In order to maintain such speeds, the material properties of centrifuges are as critical as it gets. You don’t need to interview a world-renowned nuclear scientist to figure that out — but I like to be thorough. To claim that Iraq WMD wasn’t a lie should be like saying we didn’t land on the moon.

As I wrote and produced the most exhaustive documentary ever done on WMD, I would know.

D.O.E.’s standard is to spin a tube at 20% above 90,000 RPM before failure — so 48,000 short is a pretty loose definition of ‘rough indication.’ Out of 31 tubes in subsequent testing, only one was successfully spun to 90,000 RPM for 65 minutes — which the C.I.A. seized on as evidence in their favor.

One D.O.E. analyst offered a superb analogy of that contorted conclusion:  “Running your car up to 6,500 RPM briefly does not prove that you can run your car at 6,500 RPM cross country. It just doesn’t. Your car’s not going to make it.”

In an industry where fractions of a millimeter matter, these guys were playing horseshoes with centrifuge physics . . .

— Richard W. Memmer: Act II

That sounds worthy of consideration — don’t ya think?

Behold your best . . .

The world you have created:

With your kin who came before you:

It is as though with some people — those who most avidly embrace the “we are right” view — have minds that are closed from the very get-go, and they are entirely incapable of opening them, even just a crack.

There is no curiosity in them. There are no questions in their minds. There are no “what ifs?” or “maybes.”

— Laura Knight-Jadczyk

About that “mudslinging” . . .


truth verifiable from experience or observation

If you have a history of hypocrisy and lying — you are a hypocrite and a liar. If you don’t like being called those things, don’t do those things. But so typical of the times — nothing has meaning anymore.

Calling criticism “mudslinging” is just somethin’ to say to escape scrutiny.

And the irony is:

I’ve received almost nothing but mudslinging for decades — by people who cry foul with counterfeit claims on what they do for real. And let’s face it: You need it to be mudslinging, because if it’s not — your binary beliefs are gonna fall apart.

And for all those who pooh-pooh expertise these days:

Lemme remind you that you had no trouble appreciating the importance of material properties in comparing this toy vs. a craft like Cameron’s.

Stockton Rush’s name will never be forgotten for his folly that took 5 lives in a contraption doomed to fail. That same wishful thinking in totally unsuitable material — was held by a CIA/WINPAC analyst named Joe Turner:

Who provided a path to war that cost countless lives, unspeakable destruction, trillions of dollars & counting, and poisons political discourse to this day and probably generations to come.  

Never heard of him

I’m not surprised . . .

If you understand baseline information on material properties in one context: Shouldn’t you be able to grasp the exact same principles in another? If I did cartwheels on TikTok to tell this story — you’d take issue with my form. We’ve created a culture that gripes over “flashy graphics” while worshipping liars in the images. Constant complaining has become a virtue — where everything of value is in the gain you get in the moment:

And easy is all the rage!

Anyone entering this discussion with sincerity — would come away realizing that there is no debate, and there never was.

They just made it up

Red Team Paper: Nevertheless, by September 2001, the matter had more or less been settled. There was no serious debate within the intelligence community. One stubborn WINPAC analyst does not constitute a debate.

Richard W. Memmer: Then 9/11 happened — and whad’ya know, the tubes were resurrected.

— Act I

For two decades

America has made it impossible to have that conversation: Painfully obvious deception that shaped everything you see today. But we’ve got all the time in the world to talk about Titan:

Strikingly similar — don’t ya think? . . .

I’m a retired engineer, electrical not mechanical. You are absolutely correct about technical limits on materials such as this sub design. It’s insane this guy took the sub to its breaking point.  It’s sad but a good lesson to future explorers. Don’t push the physical limitations of the materials and design.

— YouTube user

The more I learn about the sub, the more it sounds like a 50/50 coin flip suicide expedition than exploration.

Lots of intelligent commentary floating around on Titan. It’s refreshing to see all the sound analysis I’ve seen on the sub. And from experts to casual observers — most everyone recognizes reality on Rush.

Who doesn’t?

The same people who always refuse to see something for what it is: Those too close to the situation to objectively evaluate it (invariably with motive in some form — innocent or otherwise). I realize Cameron’s craft was designed to go 3 times deeper than Titanic:

But it’s just a striking contrast on the look of seriousness alone.

And so’s this . . .

I’m Not Out to “DESTROY” Sowell

Quite the contrary! Stick around — you’ll see. That his followers instantly assume bad motives (issuing rapid-fire ridicule for satisfaction in full): Is in gross breach of the standards he espouses.

Ya know, like this gem . . .

On evidence involving artillery rockets and material properties of centrifuge rotors — the apostles of Sowell smugly cite his books on economics, race, and whatnot: Anything to glorify him as they abandon any notion of accountability:

Butchering his bedrock beliefs as they dance in delight behind their force field of fallacy.

These people do nothing but question my motives, mock my site, and assault my character — then proudly post quotes of Sowell looking stately as he condemns the very thing they’re doing.

  • Repeat slogans: “Everybody believed Iraq had WMD”
  • Question people’s motives: Bush hater, Bush basher, Bush Derangement Syndrome, Plamegate & plenty more. Adding to the arsenal of childish crap to continue the tradition: Snowflake, Libtard, Libturd, Cupcake, TDS, Demon-crat, Democrat Party
  • Bold assertions: Russians said so, British said so, Bill Clinton said so, Leaders of both parties said so . . .

No coherent argument, Repeat slogans, Vent their emotions, Question people’s motives, Bold assertions . . .

Even if I were out to “DESTROY” him — it wouldn’t change the truth. I was well aware that Rush wanted to ruin Obama (just as Limbaugh lit into all Democrats). But however underhanded his motives, they don’t trump the truth. By all means, factor for motive when weighing information — but writing off criticism simply because I don’t like someone you love: Flies in the face of his fancy quotes to float). Back to him in Part 2 — or you can check this out if you like.

You walked into the party
Like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself gavotte . . .

And by the way . . .

The Right wants the Left and the black community to get its act together on matters deeply woven into the fabric of America’s long history of brutality and disgrace: Slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, murder, decades of civil rights violations, questionable shootings, and so on.

While the Right won’t even look at the material properties of a tube. What’s wrong with that picture — and this one?

Hmm, so the dimensions exactly match the tubes used in Iraq’s history of manufacturing the Nasser-81 mm artillery rocket (a reverse-engineered version of the Italian Medusa)

In the face of overwhelming & irrefutable evidence:

In a case built on exhaustively detailed arguments (of which you have exactly zero chance of refuting).

the “logic lovers” look away

love to use “logic” to win an argument, and then disappear before they can find out they’re wrong

Oh yeah — I know the type, all too well!

I point you to a 7-part, 2 hours and 40 minutes doc — that distills a story that demanded a massive amount of effort, thought, research, and writing: And you tap a Tweet with a talking point or two — thinking you can inform me.

From the fountains in the mountains
Comes the water runnin’ cool and clear and blue
And it flows down from the hills
And it goes down to the towns and passes through

When it gets down to the cities
Then the water turns into a dirty gray
It’s poisoned and polluted
By the people as it goes along its way

Don’t go near the water children
See the fish all dead upon the shore
Don’t go near the water
Water isn’t water anymore

“We All Know That Crap is King”

Well, they know it and I know it — but clearly, you don’t! We could do something about that — as I’ve got an idea and it’s got teeth.

My idea is simple:

Cutting through our Crap is King culture to you to see it — is not.

Where infantile insults are celebrated

The doubt-free who don’t do their homework are the experts.

Those who belittle and outright reject correction — are the righteous and wise. The ones with courage to admit when they’re wrong — are the weak. Tireless dedication is mercilessly mocked — while intellectual laziness is esteemed.

Original thinking and uniqueness are bashed — while conforming to the trite is trumpeted. Depth is discarded with disdain — while shallowness is embraced with love.

The honest & sincere are shunned — while manipulators & liars are welcomed with open arms.

This is my story — and if you read it in full, you’ll find it’s part of your story too. You’ve all dealt with the same behavior I have — the difference is that I get it from every direction.

You don’t really need to find out what’s goin’ on
You don’t really wanna know just how far it’s gone
Just leave well enough alone Eat your dirty laundry . . .

We can do “The Innuendo,” we can dance and sing
When it’s said and done, we haven’t told you a thing
We all know that crap is king

Part 2

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